Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Operations of companies

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Operations of companies

-Factors affecting growth of companies

-Business cycle

-Departments of companies :

--Marketing : It is a department which handling the marketing of it's products .Advertising is one of it's key functions.Marketing is a social and managerial function that attempts to create, expand and maintain a collection of customers. It attempts to deliver demand satisfying output through profitable exchanges.

--Advertising: Advertising is drawing public attention to goods and services by promois performed through a variety of media. It is an important part of an overall promotional strategy. Other components of the promotional mix include publicity, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion.

--Human Resources Department : It handles those activities that are necessary in the recruiting of a workforce, providing its members with payroll and benefits, and administrating their work-life needs. In many locales, these activities can require a considerable amount of regulatory knowledge and effort, and many enterprises can benefit from the recruitment and development of personnel with these specific skills.

--Production Department : It handles Production of the goods of the company .Production decisions concentrate on what goods to produce, how to produce them, the costs of producing them, and optimizing the mix of resource inputs used in their production. This production information can then be combined with market information (like demand and marginal revenue) to determine the quantity of products to produce and the optimum pricing.

--Finance Department : managerial finance or corporate finance is the task of providing the funds for the corporations' activities. It generally involves balancing risk and profitability. Long term funds would be provided by ownership equity and long-term credit, often in the form of bonds. These decisions lead to the company's capital structure. Short term funding or working capital is mostly provided by banks extending a line of credit.
On the bond market, borrowers package their debt in the form of bonds. The borrower receives the money it borrows by selling the bond, which includes a promise to repay the value of the bond with interest. The purchaser of a bond can resell the bond, so the actual recipient of interest payments can change over time. Bonds allow lenders to recoup the value of their loan by simply selling the bond.
Another business decision concerning finance is investment, or fund management. An investment is an acquisition of an asset in the hopes that it will maintain or increase its value. In investment management - in choosing a portfolio - one has to decide what, how much and when to invest. In doing so, one needs to identify relevant objectives and constraints: institution or individual - goals - time horizon - risk aversion - tax considerations -Identify the appropriate strategy: active vs. passive - hedging strategy -Measure the portfolio performance

-- Information Technology Department : It takes of all the IT needs of the organisation like purchasing, installing and maintaining systems such as computes ,networks servers and other IT hardware .

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